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August 24, 2011


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essays on leadership

The policy could be really hard to be achieved based on the factors given. As a student, I can't choose a teacher who can teach me right and whom I can learn effectively with. So I guess, with this kind of ineffective teachers problem, I would just rely on myself in this learning journey. I will read to acquire knowledge that are relevant to my field of study. I don't want to expect any good from my teachers so I will do something so I won't be left behind.

Ava Arsaga

Essays on Leadership,

Teacher effectiveness is a complicated policy, being worked out in a contentious political process. I doubt any of the stakeholders feel satisfied with the solutions in place now.

I like that your solution is to be an independent learner. But, don't think all teachers are ineffective. There are many, many great teachers to learn from.

Ava Arsaga
Parent Cortical Mass

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