This week Parent Cortical Mass' Top Articles link you to stories about how parents are portrayed in the movies, preschools, and the work skills kids will need in the future. The article on "moneyball" data tactics in college will give you a clear picture of what’s coming in college instruction and admissions. An article in Wired adds more on Carol Dweck's mindset theory. A study from Vanderbilt sheds light on children's learning and TV. Investigations into Online education continue in the news. Lastly, in resources, don't miss reading about leagues that compete with Lego robotics.
Are There Any Good Parents on the Screen? - Lisa Belkin, Huff Post Parents
Parents Form Pre-K Co-ops, Often Illegal, Due to Shortages - Soni Sangha, New York Times
Why Preschool Shouldn't Be Like School - Alison Gopnik, Slate
Neuroscience and Learning: Teachers as Brain Changers - Wendi Pillars, Education Week
10 Key Skills for the Future of Work - Jessica Stillman, GigaOm
Parent-led Discussion Enhances Children's Learning From TV - Jennifer Wetzel, Vanderbilt
Why Do Some People Learn Faster? - Jonah Lehrer, Wired
Should Computer Science Be Required in K-12? - Audrey Watters, Mind/Shift
Colleges "Moneyball" to Tailor Students Experience - Mark Parry, Chronicle of Higher Education
Arizona Parents Waffling on Online Schools - BA Birch, Education News
Investigation into Virtual Schools Prompts Concern - Katie Ash, Digital Education Blog
First Lego League, Robotics Teams for Ages 9-16 - FLL
Learn to Program Ruby with Hackety-Hack - Audrey Watters, Hack Education
Pirate Puzzles - Children's Technology Review