What country does the best job of parenting? That crazy question got argued this week. Two articles ballyhooing American and French parenting connect you to the fun. The New York Times published alarming data on the increasing gap in test scores between rich and poor students, a gap now twice the size of the black-white gap. In response, three education leaders speak to the issue of poverty--Sec. Arne Duncan in a recent speech, cognitive scientist, Daniel Willingham, in his blog, and education scholar, Diane Ravitch, in a book review. Check out the finalists of The Cybils Awards, an annual list of best children’s books selected by school children.
Why French Parents Are Superior - Pamela Druckerman, Wall Street Journal
Are “American” Parents Really Worse than the French? - Lisa Belkin, Huff Post Parents
Today’s Teen Risk Behaviors Compared to Their Parents - Tara Parker-Pope, New York Times
Yikes, Parents Face Misdemeanor for their Kids' Chronic Lateness - B.A. Birch, Education News
Poor Number Sense Puts Kids at Risk for Bad Decisions - Gwen Dewar, Momformation
Program or Be Programmed - Mary Beth Hertz, Edutopia
Let Kids Tinker With Dangerous Things? - Gever Tulley, Ted Talk
Education Gap Grows Between Rich and Poor, Studies Show - Sabrina Tavernise, NYT
NYT With Part of the Story on Income and Education - Daniel Willingham, Willingham Blog
Fighting the Wrong Education Battles - Sec Arne Duncan, Dept of Education
Schools We Can Envy - Diane Ravitch, New York Review of Books
Book Apps: Finalists of 2011 Cybils Awards - The Cybils
Middle Grade Fiction: Finalists of 2011 Cybils Awards - The Cybils
Young Adult Fiction: Finalists of the 2011 Cybils Awards - The Cybils
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