Two reports issued this week led education news. The first, which argues our public education failures are hurting national security, released with a star-studded panel that included Condoleezza Rice. The second report revealed the latest figures on graduation rates. If you’ve not heard the uproar over “Parent Trigger” laws, NYT’s op-ed feature, Room for Debate, covers the topic. Hear the most influential leaders on parent trigger law express their hopes and fears. Learn more about the brain when you read the articles on executive function and working memory. If you are a GenX parent, an article describing how teachers try to deal with you could offend or amuse.
A Teacher’s Guide to Generation X Parents - Susan G. Thomas, Edutopia
Does “On-Demand” Feeding Boost IQ? - Gwen Dewar, PhD., Momformation
3 Surprising Things Parents Should Know About Video Games - Richard Rende, redhotparenting
Why Bilinguals Are Smarter - Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, New York Times
Working Memory and Wandering Minds - Rich Nauert, PhD, PsychCentral
5 Reasons Parents Should Be Familiar with Executive Function - Carrie Gajowski, Sci of Learning
Want Students to Succeed? Let Them Fail - Liz Dwyer, Good
Hopes and Fears for the Parent Trigger Laws - Room for Debate, New York Times
Failure to Prepare Students Hurts National Security - Joy Resmoits, Huff Post
Number of Dropout Factory High Schools in US Drops - Sally Holland, CNN
Games for Language, Start Learning a New Language Today - Games for Language
TED Moves to Classroom with Launch of Ted-Ed - Curt Hopkins, ars technica
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