Does your kid make things with cardboard boxes? Then don’t miss the joy of “Caine’s Arcade,” a video that went viral last week. An uplifting article by a pediatrician makes a scientific case for the magic of parenting. Pointing to words when you read to your child is good, but an article here tells how many” points” it takes to work. Find articles that continue stories we covered on robo-readers and suspicious test scores across the country. Learn about red-shirting and the flipped classroom. If you’ve seen Titanic 3D, check out the wonderful visualization of sea and ocean depths, and locate where the ship sank.
The Viral Phenomenon: "Caine's Arcade" - Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning
Just Parent, No Philosophy Required - Harley Rotbart, New York Times
Humiliating Children in Public: A Trend? - Lisa Belkin, Huff Post
Mom's Guilt Low over Screentime - Hechinger Report
Pointing to Words Helps Children - The Telegraph
The Motor-Cognitive Connection - Bill Jenkins, Science of Learning Blog
How Exercise Could Lead to a Better Brain - Gretchen Reynolds, New York Times
Can You Make Yourself Smarter - Dan Hurley, New York Times
Is Redshirting a Successful Strategy? - Julie Flapan, Los Angeles Times
The Flipped Classroom: Class at Home, Homework in Class - Valerie Strauss, Washington Post
Man vs. Machine vs. Five Paragraph Essay - Ian Quillen, Education Week
From Silicon Valley, a New Approach to Education - Steve Henn, NPR
Cheating Our Children: Ed Reformer Follows Up - Whitney Tilson's School Reform Blog
Spring Baseball Books (Picture Books to Chapter Books) - Imagination Soup
Lure of the Labyrinth, a Video-Game Challenge to Middle Schoolers - EdTechDigest
Under the Sea, a Visualization to Go with Titanic - Randall Munroe, Flowing Data