This week a question on an English standardized test in New York triggered “Pineapple-gate.” The pineapple passage became a flashpoint in the debate over high-stakes testing. NYT’s David Brooks threw a punch this week in the rumble over testing and value-add evaluation when he proposed that value-add measures be used in college. Yes, college. Two articles by teachers who are also parents have that sage both-sides-now perspective on their topics--parent-teacher interaction and education reform. Learn more about metacognition, deliberate practice and language dancing. If you’ve not heard about Maker Faire, a new kind of family fun, check out their site.
Finding an End to the Parent-Teacher Wars - Jessica Lahey, New York Times
Does Humiliating Children in Public Teach Respect? - Meryl Ain, Ed.D., ParentNet
The Genius of Unstructured Summer Time - KJ Dell'Antonia
A Parent's Guide to Twitter and Education - Joe Mazza, Edutopia
Can 'Genius' Really Be Detected in Infancy? - Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D., The Creativity Post
Deliberate Practice: How to Develop Expertise - Bill Jenkins, Ph.D., Science of Learning Blog
Metacognition and How Parents Ask Questions - Sam Chaltain, Sam Chaltain Blog
What is Language Dancing: What Parents Need to Know - Ava Arsaga, Parent Cortical Mass
Confessions of a Policy Wonk Father - Scott Joftus, Education Next
Testing the Teachers - David Brooks, New York Times
Pineapple Races Hare, Students Lose - Anemona Hartocollis, New York Times
Pinkwater on Pineapples - Lisa Fleisher, Wall Street Journal
The Great Pineapple Debate -Michael Benjamin, New York Post
Pineapples, Robot Graders, and David Brooks -Audrey Watters, Inside Higher Ed
Top 10 Fitness Video Games - Online Mom Blog
Maker Faires: Family-Friendly Festival of Invention -
Figment, A Teen Writers' Site - Kyle Palmer, Mind/Shift