The teachers strike in Chicago brought education reform to national attention. The strike exposes fault lines in the Democratic Party over teacher evaluation systems and provides parents an opportunity to get familiar with what’s at stake. This week the question “Can character and grit be taught?” continues. This matter, mostly the province of parents, is captivating educators now, so get informed. Read about recent research on red-shirting, how a particular kind of drawing is associated with early reading achievement, and why high achieving youngsters might be more susceptible to math anxiety. Enjoy the post on the 5 great kids’ books for grownups, by Maria Popova, of Brain Pickings.
Recognizing the Parent Role in Character Education - Malcolm Gauld, Education Week
U.S. Students Struggle More Than Global Peers to Top Parents - Eric Morath, Wall Street Journal
Reading, Math and Grit - Joe Nocera, New York Times
Pretend Play Overrated? Breaking Down the Provoking Claim - Richard Rende, RedHotParenting
Red-Shirting and Perceived Life Satisfaction of Teen Boys - Suzanne S. Jones Ed.D, ProQuest
Can't You Learn About the World Through Fiction? - Daniel Willingham, Willingham Blog
Type of Drawing Linked to Kindergarten Reading Success - Richard Rende, RedHotParenting
High Achieving Kids, Working Memory, and Math Anxiety - Gwen Dewar Ph.D., BabyCenter
Secrets of Improving Learning and Memory - Eric Barker, Barking Up the Wrong Tree
Chicago Teachers Strike As Ed Reform Tensions Boil Over - Stephen Sawchuk, Education Week
Meet Karen Lewis, Union Leader of the Chicago Teachers Strike -Kayla Webley, Time
Chicago 7: 7 Takeaways from the Chicago Teachers Strike - Andrew Rotherham, Eduwonk
The World is Watching Chicago, Once Again - Sam Chaltain, Democracy. Learning. Voice.
Chicago Reminds Us of Why We Have Unions - Anthony Cody, Education Week
5 Thoughts on the Chicago Teachers Strike - Rick Hess, Straight Up
In Chicago, a Democratic Civil War -Harold Meyerson, Washington Post
Do Top Teachers Produce "A Year and a Half of Learning?" -Matthew Di Carlo, Shanker Blog
Teachers on Strike? Try These Learning Apps - Anya Kamenetz, Fast Company
5 Children's Books for Grown-Ups - Maria Popova, Brain Pickings
How to Get Free e-Books & Audio Books from Amazon and Audible - CoolMomTech