Questions about students' privacy persisted this week. Should parents let for-profit companies use their kids’ personal school data for the collective benefits derived from big data technologies? That’s the default setting. Parents must make some noise to require parental permission. ● Two articles present different viewpoints of Carol Dweck's research on praising children. ● Get more knowledgeable about memory, competitiveness, creative intelligence, and the optimism bias. ● The backlash against excessive accountability testing continued its march through the states, impacting school board elections in L.A. ● Should states get relief from NCLB’s requirement that 100% of students be “proficient” by 2014? Do you think different percentages should be allowed for different races? Right now 23 states have answered yes. ● Heard of Sugata Mitra’s Hole in the Wall project? It’s the ultimate informal learning experiment. His fabulous TED talk has 1.28 million views.
K-12 Student Database Jazzes Tech Startups, Spooks Parents - Stephanie Simon, Reuters
My Child's School is Fine, Too Bad Yours Stinks - Carol Lloyd,
20 Things Every Boy Should Know - Aaron Brinker, Dad Blunders
Why I Refuse to Feel Bad for Praising My Kids - Megan Francis, The Happiest Mom
Wrong Kind of Praise for Kids Can Backfire - Rick Nauert, PhD, PsychCentral
Why Teens Are Tiring of Facebook - Jennifer Van Grove, CNET
Fear, Anger or Pain: Why Do Babies Cry? - ScienceDaily
How Do We Remember and Why Do We Often Forget? - Kenneth Wesson, BrainWorld
Why Children Learn Faster Rereading Same Books - Andrew Levy, MailOnline
First, IQ, Then EQ, Now CQ--Creative Intelligence - Anita Hamilton, Time
Competition Can Sometimes Make Our Performance Worse - Annie Murphy Paul, Creativity Post
Can Gaming Make Us More Cooperative, Empathic? - Daniel Willingham, Science & Education Blog
High Schoolers, Don't Sacrifice Sleep to Late-Night Study - Allison Aubrey, NPR
Standardized Testing Becomes the Great Divide in Ed Policy - Teresa Watanabe, LA Times
5 Common Myths About the SAT, Debunked. - Bob Schaeffer, Washington Post
The Learning Virtues - David Brooks, New York Times
$1Million Ted Prize Winner to Create a School in the Cloud - Anya Kamenetz, Fast Company
Is the Common Core an Attack on Progressive Ed? - Lisa Nielsen, Huff Post
Gifted Class Imbalance - Lisa Fleisher, Sophia Hollander, WSJ
Florida Officials Defend Racial, Ethnic Learning Goals - Lizette Alvarez, NYT
Gates, Zuckerberg: Kids, Learn to Code - Brandon Griggs, CNN
2 Year Tech Degrees Pay Off - Joanne Jacobs, Hechinger Report
Kids Code the Darndest Things: 10 Amazing Youth - Matt Petronzio, Mashable
5 Resources for Spring Parent Teacher Conferences - Matt Davis, edutopia
Fun Facts to Know About St. Patrick's Day - Katie Lepi, edudemic
109 Ways to Celebrate Math Lessons From Dr. Seuss - Miriam Sherin, Huff Post