This week find four articles, covering a range of viewpoints, on the issue of privacy and large student databases. The SXSWedu Conference in Austin last week proved the topic is hot, and relevant to parents. Get informed. ● Enjoy articles this week by well-respected writers and researchers like Mimi Ito, Vaughan Bell and Alison Gopnik. ● Learn more about praising kids, overconfidence, attention, and why human young require such an investment of time and patience. ● Statements from PCM Top Influencers Bill Gates, Diane Ravitch, Linda Darling-Hammond and Randi Weingarten made noisier news this week. ● The resources listed are fun--check out all of them!
Why I Want Women to Lean In - Sheryl Sandberg, Time
Why Elon Musk and Chris Anderson's SXSW Parenting Debate Matters - Lisa Belkin, HuffPost
What Teens Get About the Internet That Parents Don't - Mimi Ito, The Atlantic
Redefining Etiquette In the Digital Era - Nick Bilton, New York Times
PS4, Gaming, & the New Privacy Reality - Anne Collier, NetFamilyNews
Video Game Industry Campaign to Explain Ratings to Parents - Hayley Tsukayama, WashPost
Defining Bullying: What It Is and What It Isn't - Emily Bazelon, New York Times
How NOT to Praise A Child with Low Self Esteem - Daniel Willingham, Science & Education Blog
Why Are Our Kids Useless? Because We're Smart - Alison Gopnik, Wall Street Journal
Friend or Foe: Babies Choose Sides Early - ScienceDaily
Our Brains Are Not As Simple As We Think - Vaughan Bell, The Guardian
Why Paying Attention is Anything But Elementary - Maria Konnikova, BBC
Confidence, Overconfidence, & Knowing What You Know - Annie Murphy Paul, Creativity Post
Does Closing Underperforming Schools Help or Hurt Kids? - Sarah Carr, The Atlantic
Bill Gates: The Future of Education is Data - Frank Catalano, GeekWire
Diane Ravitch and a New Advocacy Group - Motoko Rich, New York Times
Randi Weingarten on Why She Got Arrested Protesting in Philly - Valerie Strauss, Wash Post
Teachers Are the Scapegoats, But Inequity Is the Problem - Darling-Hammond & Holland, AlterNet
Standard Tests Do Reveal Which Teachers Are Best - Peter Orszag, Bloomberg
Rotten to the Core: Feds' Invasive Student Tracking Database - Michelle Malkin,
Getting Rich Off Schoolchildren - David Sirota, Salon
People, Explain Why Education Data Collection Is Bad - Eric Horowitz, edSurge
Fragmented Data Systems a Barrier to Better Schools, Experts Say - Katie Ash, Ed Week
Our Brains Extended: Technology Is a New Way of Thinking - Marc Prensky, ASCD
Drawing a Hard Line on Third Graders - Lyndsey Layton, Washington Post
10 Best TV Shows for Young Children - Michael Petrilli, Flypaper
You Are Stardust: Teaching Kids About the Universe - Maria Popova, Brain Pickings
10 Ways Parents Can Use Spotify - Coolmomtech
Best Toys for Children in Primary Grades - Stevanne Auerbach, Huff Post
Review: Hands-on with Lego StoryStarter - Marisa Kaplan, edSurge
Parents' Choice Spring 2013 Small Screen Awards - Parents' Choice