“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data,” says Sherlock Holmes. But, is it also a mistake to gather data in ‘creepy’ ways? Parents today are on the front line in the battle over the privacy of children’s data. Four articles below keep you up-to-date. ● Louis CK and Conan O’Brien star in the viral video this week about the cons of kids having smartphones. Besides being entertaining, it struck a chord. ● Each week we select op-eds from opposing viewpoints, which means you like or loathe certain articles. But, if you are looking for a smart synopsis on the two poles of education reform, read Andrew Delbanco’s review of recently published books by Influencers Diane Ravitch and Michelle Rhee. ● Have you heard about MOOCs? Read Alan Finder’s article for a good introduction. ● Google launched an online tool that compares the constitutions of different countries. It’s awesome.
Eyes on the Street or Creepy Surveillance? - Danah Boyd, Apophenia
5 Things Parents Should Know About COPPA - Tara Settembre, Huff Post
Losing Is Good For You - Ashley Merryman, New York Times
My Daughter's Homework Is Killing Me - Karl Taro Greenfeld, The Atlantic
Louis CK's Case Against Kids Having Smartphones - David Haglund, Slate
Why Back-to-School Night Made Me Feel Like a Bad Mom - Jessica Lahey, The Atlantic
Online Grade Access Can Lead to 'Helicopter Parents' - Matthew Albright, USA Today
Against Redshirting: It Pays to Be the Youngest Kid in Class - Maria Konnikova, The New Yorker
More on the Vocabulary Development of Toddlers - Daniel Willingham, Science & Education Blog
Playing with Blocks Helps Kids' Spatial and Math Thinking - Science Codex
Is a Student's 'Learning Style' a Bogus Idea? - Sophie Guteri, Scientific American
How Music Can Improve Memory - Annie Murphy Paul, Mind/Shift
Your Mother Was Right: Naps Matter for Preschooler Learning - Rick Nauert, PsychCentral
The Role of Empathy in Learning - Terry Heick, TeachThought
Is Google Wrecking Our Memory? - Clive Thompson, Slate
Cyber Attacks on School Networks Increasing - Sean Meehan, Education Week
The Case Against High School Sports - Amanda Ripley, The Atlantic
In Push for Common Standards, Many Parents Left Uneducated - Claudio Sanchez, NPR
Escaping the Cycle of Scarcity - Tina Rosenberg, New York Times
Do American Public Schools Really Stink? Maybe Not - Stephanie Simon, Politico
6 Lies Most People Believe About U.S. Schools - Joy Pullmann, The Federalist
The Two Faces of American Education - Andrew Delbanco, New York Review of Books
Misinformation and Education Reform - Michelle Rhee, AL.com
MOOCs: A Surge in Growth for a New Kind of Online Course - Alan Finder, New York Times
Top 12 Nuggets of Advice for High School Freshman - Eric Zorn, Chicago Tribune
How the Universe Works: Hawking's Theory in 150 Seconds - Maria Popova, Brain Pickings
4 Incredible Google Science Fair Projects - Anna Kuchment, Scientific American
6 Math Apps That Support the Common Core - David Wingler, Edudemic
Explore World Constitutions with New Online Tools - Google Blog
100 Diagrams That Changed the World - Maria Popova, Brain Pickings
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