The results of the most recent PISA test, a global achievement test of 15 year olds worldwide, released this week to spin and ballyhoo. Do you think U.S. students’ scores this time were (A) better, (B) worse, (C) the same, or (D) pathetic? Do you think these global rankings (A) matter, (B) don't matter, (C) matter somewhat, or (D) are rigged by China? I won’t tell you my answers because below you will find news and op-eds that make a case for each of these answers. These articles include the thoughts of pundits, journalists, think-tankers, and PCM's Education Influencers like Sec Arne Duncan, Michelle Rhee, Diane Ravitch, and Randi Weingarten. ● Also this week read articles that get at the soul of common core controversies and opting out of accountability tests. ● Get informed about the latest research on video games—good to know as you shop for Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, check out the entertaining Evil Mad Scientist Shop.
Is Giftedness Real? [Podcast] - Dana Goldstein, Slate
The Art of Kindness: Teaching Kids to Care - Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD, Roots of Action
Could a Video Game Replace ADD Medication? - Anya Kamenetz, Hechinger Report
Psychologists Prove That Video Games Are Good For You - Justin Reich, Education Week
Why Gamers Can't Stop Playing First-Person Shooters - Maria Konnikova, The New Yorker
New Research on Dads: How Important Are They? - ScienceDaily
This is Why Kids Need to Learn to Code - Doug Belshaw, dmlcentral
Do Messy Kids Learn Better? - Rick Nauert PhD, PsychCentral
Music Lessons Boost Emotional, Intellectual Development - Tom Jacobs, Pacific Standard
To Strengthen Your Attention Span, Stop Overtaxing It - Daniel Goleman, Harvard Blog Network
9 Ways to Become Smarter Than You Think - Jonathan Wai, Psychology Today
A List of Reasons Why Our Brains Love Lists - Maria Konnikova, The New Yorker
Why Openness to Experience is the Key to Creativity - Drake Baer, FastCompany
Spatial Thinking Skills vs Standardized Tests - Jonathan Wai, Quartz
U.S. 15-Yr Olds Lag, Mainly in Math, On Latest International Test - Motoko Rich, NYT
Diane Ravitch: 4 Lessons on New PISA Scores - Diane Ravitch, Washington Post
Michelle Rhee: More Mediocrity for American Education - Michelle Rhee, Time
Randi Weingarten Offers Ways to Boost US PISA Results - David Cook, Christian Science Monitor
7 Reasons I Don't Care About PISA Results - Rick Hess, Education Week
How I Learned to Stop Worrying About the PISA - Mary Jo Madda, edSurge
Want to Look Great on PISA Tests? Test Only Top Students - Dexter Roberts, BusinessWeek
The US is Terrible at International Tests: Who Cares? - Jordan Weissmann, The Atlantic
The Movement Against Testing in Schools - Robert Kolker, New York Magazine
American Businesses Need the Common Core - Allan Golston, Impatient Optimists
Why So Many Parents Hate the Common Core - Diane Ravitch, New Pittsburg Courier
Evil Mad Scientist Shop -
Kids' Book: Does My Goldfish Know Who I Am? - Maria Popova, Brain Pickings
7 Outstanding Science-Based Websites - Learning Never Stops
Best Board Games You Can Play in Under an Hour - Philip Stephenson, Quartz
5 Fun Ways to Bring Santa to Life for Your Kids - Erin Lane, BabyCenter
A Visual Guide to the Languages of the World - Katie Lepi, Edudemic
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