Students are protesting in Jefferson County, Colorado. Why? Their school board wants to make changes to the new AP History class which would downplay civil disobedience. (Yes, ironic.) 4 Follow that article with the one discussing progressive vs. conservative bias in the new history curriculum. Should this matter to parents? 5 Heard about Massive Online Open Courses, known as MOOCs? Read how China is using them. 8 You know about Finland’s top education system, but what about Poland’s? 7 This week there are smart articles laying out the pro-and-con arguments for teacher tenure, accountability testing, and the common core. 1 2 3 Clay Shirky, a popular professor and internet learning advocate, asked his students to put away their devices in class. His explanation of the cognitive science on multitasking is worth knowing. 6 It’s fall. A new season’s stars light the night sky. Look up. Point. This is one of the best parts of parenting! 9
Don't Use 'Time-Outs,' Instead Use 'Time-Ins' - Daniel Siegel, Tina Payne Bryson, Time
5 Parenting Strategies to Promote a Kid's Growth Mindset - Melissa Taylor, Imagination Soup
Tiger Mom, Hold That Growl: New Study - Martha Pickerill, Time
Primary-Grade Retention and High School Completion: New Study - Tara Kennedy, Eurekalert
Parent-Teacher Conference TipSheet: Parents, Teachers, Principals - Harvard Family Research Prjt
6 Expert Tips for Keeping Your Kids Safe on Social Media - Kyli Singh, Mashable
Amanda Ripley: Best Thing Parents Can Do for Schools - Lisa Gray, Houston Chronicle
'How We Learn' Offers New Look at How Our Brains Work - Greg Toppo, USA Today
Why Some Kids Can't Spell and Why Spelling Tests Won't Help - Misty Adoniou, PsyPost
Teen Sleep Deficits Can Hurt Grades - Rick Nauert, PhD, PsychCentral
Science Shows Something Surprising About People Who Love to Write - Rachael Grate, Arts.Mic
Movement Can Improve Digital Education - Annie Murphy Paul, PBS
Why Girls Tend to Get Better Grades Than Boys - Enrico Gnaulati, The Atlantic
1 Should Teachers Get Tenure? -
2 Is There Too Much Testing in Public Schools? - Judy Woodruff, PBS Newshour
3 Debate: Should Schools Embrace the Common Core? - NPR
Is Character Education the Answer? - Laurence Steinberg, PhD, Flypaper
Our Public Education System Needs Transformation, Not 'Reform' - Editors, The Nation
4 In Colorado, a Student Counterprotest to an Anti-Protest Curriculum - Jack Healy, NYT
5 Getting Our History Right - Rick Hess, Chester Finn, National Review
6 Why I Just Asked My Students To Put Their Laptops Away - Clay Shirky, Washington Post
7 What U.S. Schools Can Learn from Poland - Jill Barshay, Hechinger Report
8 In China, MOOCs Are Becoming More Popular - A.A. and A.McE, The Economist
With the Right Technology, Can Children Teach Themselves? - Anya Kamenetz, Mind/Shift
9 The Stars of Autumn's Night Sky: What to Look For - Joe Rao,
24 Video Games You Can Say Yes to After School - Jeff Haynes, Common Sense Media Launches Math & Reading Games for Ages 3-7 - Stephen Noonoo, The Journal
New Interactive Map of the X-Men Universe - Josh Ong, The Next Web
15 Banned Books for Banned Books Week - Elyssa Goldberg, Arts.Mic
Highest and Lowest Tuitions of Ranked US Colleges and Universities
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