Have you heard of Goodhart’s Law? No? Then, how about “gaming the system,” which is what Goodhart’s Law describes? Eduardo Porter’s article, on the controversial issue of evaluating teachers with student test scores, describes how this law comes into play. It’s smart, and it will make you smarter. 1 This week Fareed Zakaria writes that America’s obsession with STEM learning is “dangerously" narrow. Consider his reasons why learning humanities is as important to America’s excellence as learning science and math. 2 How can we encourage an ethic of excellence in students? Dr. Dan Nicholls takes up this question with educators but his article is great reading for parents, too. (HT to Doug Lemov.) You’ll learn about deliberate practice and the growth mindset, 2 of our top 10 learning concepts. 3 Have your kids asked, “Why do I have scary dreams?” Read this delightful article at Fatherly, and be prepared for those dreamy questions. 4
Time for Kids: Study Says Quality Trumps Quantity - Brigid Schulte, Washington Post
Go Ahead, Help Your Child Apply to College - Randye Hoder, New York Times
More Evidence For Benefits of Breastfeeding - The Economist
Children Spend 6 Hours or More a Day on Screens - Jane Wakefield, BBC News
How Grandparents Shaped Human Evolution - Rachel Caspari, Scientific American
Definitive Guide To Raising Your Kid With A Sense Of Humor - Joe Matarese, Fatherly
Why Kids Need to Move, Touch and Experience to Learn - Katrina Schwartz, Mind/Shift
Debunking the Myth of the 10,000 Hour Rule - Maria Popova, BrainPickings
Resilience: Why Some Children Can Thrive Despite Adversity - B. Walsh, Harvard Graduate School of Ed
The Perfect Amount of Homework for Teens - Melissa Dahl, Science of Us
Your Brain Learns New Words As Pictures So You Can Read Faster - Stav Ziv, Newsweek
1 Grading Teachers by Students Test Scores - Eduardo Porter, New York Times
2 Why America's Obsession with STEM Education is Dangerous - Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post
Is Improving Schools All About Money? - Room for Debate, New York Times
What? Maybe Student Engagement and Motivation Don't Matter? - Mikhail Zinshteyn, Atlantic
4 Student Data Privacy Issues Adults Should Be Aware Of - Anya Kamenetz, Mind/Shift
Tests Aren't the Answer: Here’s How We Spark Curiosity - Susan Engel, Salon
Should High Schoolers Be Required to Pass the US Citizenship Test? - Robert Pondiscio, US News
3 How Do We Ignite the Ethic of Excellence in Students - Dr. Dan Nicholls, Dan Nicholls Blog
4 Want to Know How to Explain Dreams to Kids? - Dr. E. Pace-Schott, Fatherly
5 Tips for Baby Conversations - Gwen Dewar, PhD, Urban Child Institute
Epic NonFiction Books for Kids - Melissa Taylor, Imagination Soup
How to Dye Easter Eggs Naturally: Video - Alice Currah, PBS Parents
10 Best Apps That Encourage Real-World Play and Exploration - Stuart Dredge, Guardian
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