The opt-out movement is gaining critical mass. More than 180,000 students in New York refused to take the state’s exams. In one Seattle high school, 100% of the junior class opted out. Wide-spread civil disobedience exposes education reforms as a house-of-cards. NCLB, accountability, teacher evaluations, and common core are bundled. (It’s almost as bothersome as a cable package deal.) Five articles below, with left, right and center viewpoints, will get you informed. 2 3 4 5 6 We’ve talked about the 30 million word gap. But, it’s more than just the number of words spoken by parents to their babies. Sarah Spark’s article explains the nuance. 1 How do parents protect the privacy of their kids’ school data? Privacy laws were passed when information was kept on paper forms in file cabinets. Who do parents hold responsible if data is not secure? It’s unclear. Know your family rights. Check out this just-published parent guide! 7
How to Finish College in 4 Years: What Parents Need to Know - Grown and Flown
A Neglected Factor in Picking a College - Daniel Willingham, Science & Education Blog
Love and Merit - David Brooks, New York Times
The Wolf of Conditional Love - McCord Clayton, The Dad App
Negativity & Kids' Brains: How to Help Kids Stay Positive - Marilyn Price-Mitchell, PhD, Roots of Action
Who Is the 21st Century Man? - Maria Shriver & Josh Levs, HuffPost
Hearing About Math at the Table Improves Preschoolers’ Skills - Menachem Wecker, Deseret News
1 Key to Vocabulary Gap Is Quality of Conversation, Not Dearth of Words - Sarah D. Sparks, Ed Week
The Linguistic Genius of Babies [video] - Patricia Kuhl, TED
We Think Better on Our Feet, Literally - Neuroscience News
Can Neuroscientists Dispel the Myth of Learning Styles? - Pete Etchells, The Guardian
What Can Technology Do for Tomorrow's Children? - Arne Duncan, Medium
2 More Than 180,000 New York Students Boycotted State Exams - Gonzalez & Blau, NY Daily News
3 Anti-Test 'Opt-Out' Movement Makes A Wave In New York State - Anya Kamenetz, nprEd
4 Teachers' Unions Fight Standardized Testing, and Find Diverse Allies - Taylor & Rich, NYT
5 Feds Play Race Card to Crush Parents' Revolt Against Common Core - David French, National Review
6 Opt Out Movement: A Test of Education Reform - Andy Smarick, Common Core Watch
How Video Games Can Make Our Kids Smarter - Greg Toppo, Flypaper
College for the Masses vs. College Isn't for Everyone - David Leonhardt, NYT
7 A Parents' Guide to Student Data Privacy - ConnectSafely, Future of Privacy Forum, PTA
Is There Really a Magic 8 Ball App? Signs Point to Yes - coolmomtech
20 Things You Didn't Know About... Galaxies - Katherine Kornei, Discover Magazine
5 Awe Inspiring National Parks for Your USA Road Trip - Charli Moore, WanderLusters
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