The most controversial articles this week explore screen addiction and the impacts of helicopter parenting on college students. 1 2 The most brilliant article is by Ta-Nehisi Coates, the premier writer on race in America. "Letter to my Son" is unequalled. 3 Top 10 Education Policies examined this week include charter schools' performance, accountability iteration, and common core's textbook problems. 4 5 6 Do commencement speeches inspire you? NPR created a beautiful site to explore the best of the best. Memorize a sentence here and there from your favorites, wait faithfully for the right moment, and blow your kids away with a quote! 7
Benefits of Sports to a Child's Mind and Heart - Patti Neighmond, npr
Preparing Our Kids for Jobs That Don’t Exist Yet - Zach Klein, Medium
1 Screen Addiction Is Taking a Toll on Children - Jane E Brody, New York Times
2 When Kids of Helicopter Parents Go to College - Julie Lythcott-Haims, Slate
3 Letter to My Son - Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Atlantic
Emotion Knowledge Fosters Attentiveness - von Salish, Haenel, & Denham, EurekAlert
The Science of ‘Inside Out’ - Keltner & Ekman, New York Times
REM Sleep, Memory Formation, and Young Brains - Rick Nauert, PsychCentral
How Facebook Can Help Informal Learning - Meg Bernhard, The Chronicle
Face It, Your Brain Is a Computer - Gary Marcus, New York Times
How the Brain Forms New Memories - Jessica Firger, Newsweek
4 The Verdict on Charter Schools? - Bruce Fuller, The Atlantic
5 What Should the Next Version of Accountability Look Like? - Alyson Klein, Education Week
6 The Great Common Core Textbook Swindle - Matt Collette, The Daily Beast
Blended learning: Great New Thing or Great New Hype? - Phil McRae, Washington Post
The Critical Voice of Parents - Tiffany Taber,
The Beautiful World of Math - Yoni Appelbaum, The Atlantic
7 The Best Commencement Speeches, Ever - npr
Everything You Need to Know About Parental Controls - Caroline Knorr, Common Sense Media
23 Tools for Students to Publish What They Learn - TeachThought
Make Learning Spanish Fun With These Educational Games - Dan Albright, MakeUseOf
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