There are so many strong articles and essays for parents this week, for a second I thought, “Too strong!” That was just a second, though. Readers of this news roundup are committed to gaining cortical mass, even if this week covers too big a chunk of PCM’s topics: growth mindset, common core, the achievement gap, the global gap, teacher effectiveness, and an article on Influencer, Diane Ravitch as the release of her new book, Reign of Error, approaches. ● Our questions this week: is school just about getting a job; can emotional intelligence be taught; are schools too fixated on self-control; and, on the light-hearted side, how in the world did “What the Fox Says” go viral? ● Annie Murphy Paul’s article on homework and Ellen Galinsky’s piece on how to read to kids will pump up parent skills. ● But, the best essay in the bunch, by the brilliant Eric Kandel, a Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, is so graced with the ease of deep expertise, you’ll come away feeling cozy with little chunks like Area 25, chromosome 7, copy number variation, and de novo point mutations.
Parenting as a Spiritual Practice - Danya Ruttenberg, New York Times (Opinion Pages)
Not Very Giving - Rob Reich, New York Times
Parenting, Moral Development, and Bullying [4 min video] - Richard Weissbourd, Harvard GSE
How to Read to Children: Ways to Boost the Learning Opportunity - Ellen Galinsky, Huff Post
When Baby Apps Actually Lead to Learning: Lessons from Baby Einstein - L. Guernsey, Slate
'Boys Have Deep Emotional Lives' [Book Review] - Hope Reese, The Atlantic
Do American Parents Spend Too Much Time Volunteering at Schools? - Amanda Ripley, Slate
I Will Not Check My Son's Grades Online Five Times a Day - Jessica Lahey, The Atlantic
The New Science of Mind - Eric R. Kandel, New York Times
The Real Neuroscience of Creativity - Scott Barry Kaufman, Huff Post
When Homework is a Waste of Time - Annie Murphy Paul, Time
When Memorization Gets in the Way of Learning - Ben Orlin, The Atlantic
Self-control Gone Wild? - Daniel Willingham, Science and Learning Blog
Why is it Hard for Kids to Delay Gratification? - Gwen Dewar, PhD, BabyCenter
Aerobic Fitness Can Boost Students' Memory, Learning, Study Finds - Bryan Toporek, Ed Week
Is School Just for Getting a Job? - Annie Murphy Paul, Time
The Vital Link of Education and Prosperity - Paul Peterson, Eric Hanushek, WSJ
The Great Stagnation of American Education - Robert J. Gordon, New York Times
Diane Ravitch: Strong Voice Fighting Tide of Education Trend - Motoko Rich, New York Times
Why Education Needs More Radioactive Spiders - Scott Barry Kaufman, Scientific American
Khan Academy Takeover: Inside the New Classroom Revolution - Vanessa Romo, Take Part
The Trouble with the Common Core - Editors of Rethinking Schools
Have Sports Teams Brought Down America's Schools? - Elizabeth Kolbert, The New Yorker
Teach for America Teachers Outperform Their Peers - Matthew Yglesias, Slate
Can Emotional Intelligence Be Taught? - Jennifer Kahn, NYT Magazine
'Growth Mindset' Gaining Traction as School Improvement Strategy - Sarah Sparks, Ed Week
"What Does the Fox Say?" Went Viral. Why? 6 Geeky Reasons - Cathe Post, GeekMOm
Elements of Periodic Table as Illustrated Heroes - Maria Popova, Brain Pickings
Why Minecraft is More than Just a Video Game - Mark Ward, BBC News Magazine
New Guggenheim Documentary: What Makes a Good Teacher? - Wendy Kopp, Time
A Peek at Toys R Us' tabeo e2 - Warren Buckleitner, Children's Technology Review
Virgina Woolf's Little-Known Children's Story - Maria Popovo, Brain Pickings
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