Since it's the beginning of the school year, how about we start with a few questions? What are the scientifically-proven best methods of study? What do you think about rewarding good grades with money? Do we understand technology's impact on youngsters' learning? Can kids master critical thinking skills without using their background knowledge? Do you prefer teachers who are parents themselves? Do ‘self-regulation’ diagnoses treat kids who learn better while not sitting still unfairly? What is a 'failing' school? Fifty years after the “I Have a Dream” speech, has poverty replaced race as the significant educational divider? Does poverty impact working memory? ● Reading just two top articles each week will make you smarter by the start of winter semester. And you will increase the collective knowledge of parents at the same time!
Why Parenting Can Never Have a Rule Book - SPSP, PsyPost
Should You Pay a Kid for Getting Good Grades? - Demetria Gallegos, Wall Street Journal
Sesame Street Widens Its Focus with Pre-K STEM - Elizabeth Jensen, New York Times
New Study: Yelling Doesn't Help with Teens - Adam Reger, Eurekalert
Free Choice, Not Coercion, Makes Kids More Generous - Gwen Dewar,PhD, BabyCenter
What DNA Can and Cannot Tell Us - Richard Rende, PhD, Parenting
The Myth of the Trend Story Stay-at-Home Mom - Jessica Grose, Slate
Cog Scientists Identify Best Ways to Study - Dunlosky, et al., Scientific American
Grow a Brain, Already - Gary Marcus, The New Yorker
Is Technology Scrambling My Baby's Brain? - Ben Popper, The Verge
A New Theory of Elite Performance - Christine Carter, PhD, Huffington Post
Debunking the Genius Myth - Holly Korbey, Mind/Shift
Thinking is Knowing is Thinking - Nicholas Carr, Rough Type
How Poverty Taxes the Brain - Emily Badger, Atlantic Cities
American Schools are Failing Nonconformist Kids - Elizabeth Weil, New Republic
When Class Became More Important Than Race in Child's Education - S. Garland, Atlantic
Being a Parent Made Me a Better Teacher - Sara Mosle, Slate
All or Nothing on Teacher Accountability - Michael Petrilli, Flypaper
Geoffrey Canada Interviewed: American Dream (Unfulfilled) - Williams & Sawyers, Huff Post
Diane Ravitch on What is a 'Failing' School? - Huff Post
E.D. Hirsch on The Test of the Common Core - Huff Post
Tracing Student Failure in Algebra to Upper Elementary - Think Through Math
7 Characteristics of Great Education Systems - The Globe and Mail
Tools for Backyard Bug Hunters - Anna Kuchment, Scientific American
Netflix Academy: Best Edu Videos Available for Streaming - Michael Petrilli, Education Next
Top 25 Picture Book Apps of the Year (Ages 2-12) - Carisa Kluver, Digital Media Diet
AppoLearning Helps Parents Find Ed Apps Worth Buying - Sarah Perez, TechCrunch
Documentary Film, "Is School Enough?" - Katrina Schwartz, Mind/Shift
Review: Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Kids - Warren Buckleitner, Children's Technology Review