Did World Cup Soccer, the US-Belgium game, and the July 4th holiday consume your week? If so, maybe you missed the news about Facebook’s "Emotional Manipulation” research? It sparked a zillion articles. Read Anne Collier’s essay about, 1) what happened, and 2) the ethical commentary that followed. ● Most likely you’ve heard of “intrinsic” and “extrinsic” motivation. Two scientists, writing in the New York Times, describe two more motives--internal and instrumental. Even though these sound like intrinsic and extrinsic motives, they aren’t. The distinction is worth knowing. ● Influencer Linda Darling-Hammond wrote an article about teaching and the achievement gap. With over 14,000 likes and 3400 shares on Facebook, as well as 1,000+ retweets on Twitter, it's a must-read. ● This week in “Resources” discover some great summer time-sucks. Er, I meant summer learning games. Get dazed by Khan's light puzzles and lost in Google's map quizzes. Both are more entertaining than the emotional manipulation happening on Facebook!
How to Trick Your Kids Into Reading All Summer Long - Daniel Willingham, The Atlantic
Clues to Teaching Young Children to Tell the Truth - Shirley S. Wang, Wall Street Journal
It's the Culture: The Point About That Harvard Study - Rick Ackerly, Genius in Children
The Perils of Too Much Happy Talk - Anna North, New York Times
How to Get Into Harvard - David A. Graham, The Atlantic
The Why of the Facebook Research Fracas & What It Calls For - Anne Collier, NetFamilyNews.org
The Secret of Effective Motivation - Amy Wrzesniewski & Barry Schartz, New York Times
9 Terms to Know About Executive Functioning Issues - A. Morin, Natl Center for Learning Disabilities
Becoming an Expert Takes More than Practice - Anna Mikulak, EurekAlert
The Latest on Digital Use by Preschoolers - Annie Murphy Paul, School Library Journal
To Close the Achievement Gap, We Need to Close the Teaching Gap - Linda Darling-Hammond, HP
Gates Says Fixing Education Toughest Challenge - AP, KHOU.com
Americans Think We Have the Best Colleges. We Don't - Kevin Carey, New York Times
How Finland Keeps Kids Focused Through Free Play - Tim Walker, The Atlantic
Why Schools' Efforts to Block the Internet Are So Lame - Annie Murphy Paul, Slate
What You Need to Know About Charter Schools - Annie Baxter, Marketplace.org
The Era of Majority White U.S. Public Schools Is Over - Janell Ross, Peter Bell, National Journal
Animated Map: 70 Years of Educational Progress in 30 Seconds - Libby Nelson, Vox
Light-On/Light-Off Puzzles - Khan Academy
Smarty Pins: Google Launches Map-Based Quiz Game - Roberto Baldwin, TheNextWeb
The Awesome Physics in a Simple Sparkler - Rhett Allain, Wired
Einstein on Fairy Tales and Education - Maria Popova, Brain Pickings
Kids' Summer Movie Guide for 2014 - Sandie Angulo Chen, Common Sense Media
5 Old School Car Games for Retro Road Tripping - Lisa Tate, GeekMom
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