In the weeks ahead The Parent Cortical Mass Blog will progress through each of the learning concepts and education policies one by one.
We start with the first five education policies: No Child Left Behind (NCLB), Accountability, the Achievement Gap, the Global Achievement Gap, and Teacher Effectiveness. This provides parents with helpful background information before Congress debates how best to fix the No Child Left Behind law.
We then shift attention to the first five learning concepts: Informal Learning, the 10,000 Hour Rule, Incremental Intelligence, Flow, and Background Knowledge. The ten Learning Concepts aren’t ranked by "most important" first, but instead by how useful they are to parenting, and how best to explain them.
Following the discussion on the first group of learning concepts we return to the remaining five education policies: Common Standards, Charter Schools, Extended Learning Time, Digital Learning Technologies, and Early Learning. The cognitive science covered in the previous learning concepts makes the reasons for implementing certain policies much clearer.
Lastly, we discuss the remaining five learning concepts: Language Dancing, Chunking, Metacognition, Digital Literacy, and Persistent Misconception. After learning about these topics, connections between education policies and the science of learning become apparent. Some polices reinforce what learning science has discovered, while other policies seem to contradict the science.
We recommended ten Books for Parents, which explore these topics within the different subjects tackled in each book. After reading all ten books, parents will have a great foundation of knowledge to help them better support kids' learning and education.