A persistent allegation in parenting journalism says that parents are overly cautious. Are parents really that risk averse? Richard Rende says it's not about parental fear and overprotection. It's something else. 1 You’re familiar with the idea that parents need to talk to babies. But learning more about the why and how will make talking to your baby feel less like parent white noise. 2 4 Get ready for Math Bedtime Story Problems. This is science, so don't be anxious. It's fun! 3 David Brooks wrote an op-ed this week called “Schools for Wisdom.” In it he explains impeccably our top learning concept, "background knowledge." 5 Here’s a terrific list of books for read-aloud time. But first, capture your kids’ interest by watching the movie beforehand. You’ll be preparing your kids for a lifetime of expert conversations about whether a book is better than the movie. Pat yourself on the back! 6
The #1 Mistake Parents Make When Arguing With Kids - Eric Barker, Barking Up the Wrong Tree
1 Are Parents Really Averse to Exposing Their Kids to Risk? - Richard Rende, PhD, Psychology Today
Over-helping Kids Causes Them Harm, Says Former Stanford Dean - Emma Brown, Washington Post
2 Parents Gain From Learning the Science of Talking to Kids - Holly Korbey, Mind/Shift
The Question Isn't Whether Tech is Good for Your Kid - Lisa Guernsey, The Weekly Wonk
7 Ways Parents Can Help 13-Yr-Olds Start Their Social Media Lives Right - KJ Dell'Antonia, NYT
3 Math Story Time at Home Bolsters Achievement in School - University of Chicago, EurekAlert
Peer Pressure Has a Positive Side - Annie Murphy Paul, Scientific American
4 How Infant-Directed Speech Helps Babies Learn Language - Gwen Dewar, PhD, Parenting Science
It Is Impossible to Stop Comparing Yourself to Your Peers - Melissa Dahl, Science of Us
5 Ways to Help Your Child Conquer Tests, and Learn From Them - Annie Murphy Paul, NYT
5 Schools for Wisdom - David Brooks, NYT
How Parents and Teachers Should Talk to Each Other - Michelle Maltais, L.A. Times
5 Things Teachers Might Believe, But Parents Shouldn't - Robert Pondiscio, US News
What 15 Years in Ed Reform Has Taught Bill and Melinda Gates - Kyla Calvert Mason, PBS News Hour
Parents Support Testing, but Think There's Too Much - Lauren Camera, U.S. News
Why I Shouldn’t Give Up on Gifted Ed - Jay Mathews, Washington Post
Is Universal Pre-K Worth the Price? - Joseph Williams, TakePart
Pre-K Researchers Can’t Get Past the 3rd Grade - James Heckman, Hechinger Report
6 Family Movie Night: 8 Movies that Send Kids to Read the Book - Gemma Alexander, ParentMap
Sneaky Camera Apps Parents Should Know About - Christina Elgersma, Common Sense Media
How to See Uranus, Mercury, Jupiter and Mars - G. Gaherty, Space.com, Scientific American
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